- 20 Oct, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 17 Oct, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 16 Oct, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 14 Oct, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
Changed Alt-... mousebindings to use windows key. Added W-doubleclick with toggle maximise. Added a few i3 "like" shortcuts.
- 09 Oct, 2018 4 commits
Jay Ta'ala authored
Jay Ta'ala authored
Jay Ta'ala authored
Jay Ta'ala authored
Added mod+... keys to control amixer and xbacklight (note that am using sudo here as are using acpilight (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/acpilight/) as dropin replacement. Also reverted compton screen-tearing fix since doesn't seem a problem for my new machine (Razer Blade 15, GTX 1060).
- 16 Sep, 2018 2 commits
Jay Ta'ala authored
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 13 Sep, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 02 Sep, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
Change mod+x to split h (not layout splitv) container (more along the lines of what want when have lots of windows).
- 29 Aug, 2018 2 commits
Jay Ta'ala authored
Switched to py3status "diskdata" for disk size display (since allows to show all disks... and I just added another disk).
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 28 Aug, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
Using a for_window border normal default instead of new window directives to enforce all windows have border/title bars.
- 25 Aug, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
Switched special combos to either combo split first or second window (use the shift shortcut, e.g. mod+Shift+z) to combine window with previous window.
- 24 Aug, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
Added another special combo (mod+z) which tabs two windows that are next to each other (and mod+Shift+z does the inverse). Also needed to move shortcut for morc_menu to mod+c.
- 23 Aug, 2018 2 commits
Jay Ta'ala authored
Added "special" window combo that vertically splits and positions two windows that are next to each other. Also added inverse combo that undoes this.
Jay Ta'ala authored
Added shortcut ($mod+space) which toggles floating but set the window to a specific size and position on the screen (note it requires "xdotool" to be installed). I find it very useful for when want to quick focus on a window (without doing fullscreen).
- 16 Aug, 2018 2 commits
Jay Ta'ala authored
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 13 Aug, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 03 Aug, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 31 Jul, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
Enabled transparency support on i3bar (needed or else get some messed up icons with latest manjaro i3).
- 30 Jul, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
Changed back to (more) default-like behaviour for container splits. For child container splits now using mod+Mod1. Seems a bit more natural.
- 28 Jul, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 11 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 07 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 06 Jun, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
Set conky_shortcuts_numix update interval to 10 minutes (is static so no need to update every 2). Switched to chromium (instead of chrome for mod+_j shortcut).
- 02 Jun, 2018 4 commits
Jay Ta'ala authored
Jay Ta'ala authored
Jay Ta'ala authored
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 28 May, 2018 1 commit
Jay Ta'ala authored
Fix for also starting conky_green (enabled it for testing and forget to disable). Added smplayer pause keybinding (alt+shift+spacebar). Staring fcitx language input switcher on startup.
- 27 May, 2018 2 commits
Jay Ta'ala authored
Jay Ta'ala authored
- 26 May, 2018 4 commits
Jay Ta'ala authored
Jay Ta'ala authored
Jay Ta'ala authored
Updated i3 config to load conky with configuration files at ~/.config/conky and ~/.config/conky_shortcuts.
Jay Ta'ala authored