Commit bfa7d8b0 authored by Jay Ta'ala's avatar Jay Ta'ala
Browse files

Update to tint2 and a child container command.

parent 9b182c3a
......@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ title_align center
# Configure border style <normal|1pixel|pixel xx|none|pixel>
for_window [class=".*"] $border_normal
for_window [class=".*"] title_window_icon off
#for_window [class=".*"] title_window_icon padding 3px
for_window [class=".*"] title_window_icon on
for_window [class=".*"] title_window_icon padding 3px
## i3-overview (
#for_window [class="i3-overview"] floating enable
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ bindsym $mod_next+Shift+e layout splitv, layout fill_order default
bindsym $mod_next+Shift+s layout stacking, layout fill_order default
# child container layout bindsyms (creates a child container from currently select window)
bindsym $mod+c split h, layout splitv
bindsym $mod+c split h, layout splitv, focus parent, $border_no_name, focus child
bindsym $mod+$mod_next+c split h, layout tabbed reverse
bindsym $mod+$mod_next+z focus left; move right
bindsym $mod+$mod_next+x focus right; move left
......@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ title_align center
# Configure border style <normal|1pixel|pixel xx|none|pixel>
for_window [class=".*"] $border_normal
for_window [class=".*"] title_window_icon off
#for_window [class=".*"] title_window_icon padding 3px
for_window [class=".*"] title_window_icon on
for_window [class=".*"] title_window_icon padding 3px
## i3-overview (
#for_window [class="i3-overview"] floating enable
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ bindsym $mod_next+Shift+e layout splitv, layout fill_order default
bindsym $mod_next+Shift+s layout stacking, layout fill_order default
# child container layout bindsyms (creates a child container from currently select window)
bindsym $mod+c split h, layout splitv
bindsym $mod+c split h, layout splitv, focus parent, $border_no_name, focus child
bindsym $mod+$mod_next+c split h, layout tabbed reverse
bindsym $mod+$mod_next+z focus left; move right
bindsym $mod+$mod_next+x focus right; move left
#---- Generated by tint2conf 7ce7 ----
#---- Generated by tint2conf e230 ----
# See for
# full documentation of the configuration options.
......@@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ border_color_pressed = #000000 0
# Panel
panel_items = TE:E:E:SBC
panel_items = TFEE:E:BSC
panel_size = 100% 32
panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = 4 2 4
panel_background_id = 1
wm_menu = 1
panel_dock = 0
panel_dock = 1
panel_pivot_struts = 0
panel_position = bottom center horizontal
panel_position = bottom right horizontal
panel_layer = normal
panel_monitor = all
panel_shrink = 0
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ autohide_hide_timeout = 0.1
autohide_height = 2
strut_policy = follow_size
panel_window_name = tint2
disable_transparency = 0
disable_transparency = 1
mouse_effects = 1
font_shadow = 0
mouse_hover_icon_asb = 100 0 10
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ taskbar_name_active_background_id = 4
taskbar_name_font = sans Bold 12
taskbar_name_font_color = #07eded 100
taskbar_name_active_font_color = #000000 100
taskbar_distribute_size = 1
taskbar_distribute_size = 0
taskbar_sort_order = application
task_align = left
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ task_align = left
task_text = 0
task_icon = 1
task_centered = 1
urgent_nb_of_blink = 10
urgent_nb_of_blink = 0
task_maximum_size = 28 0
task_padding = 0 0 0
task_font = Sans 12
......@@ -223,25 +223,16 @@ ac_disconnected_cmd =
# Separator 1
separator = new
separator_background_id = 0
separator_color = #777777 81
separator_style = line
separator_size = 3
separator_padding = 1 0
# Separator 2
separator = new
separator_background_id = 0
separator_color = #777777 81
separator_color = #777777 80
separator_style = dots
separator_size = 3
separator_padding = 1 0
# Separator 3
# Separator 2
separator = new
separator_background_id = 0
separator_color = #777777 81
separator_color = #777777 80
separator_style = line
separator_size = 3
separator_padding = 1 0
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