Commit b7e48f7e authored by Jay Ta'ala's avatar Jay Ta'ala
Browse files

Switched to using bitwarden snap package (seems officially supported and...

Switched to using bitwarden snap package (seems officially supported and flatpak version was not the latest).
parent 437ef9c3
...@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ bindsym $mod+Mod1+Return [title="dropdown-terminal"] move position 0px 0px; resi ...@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ bindsym $mod+Mod1+Return [title="dropdown-terminal"] move position 0px 0px; resi
# setting up dropdown Bitwarden # setting up dropdown Bitwarden
for_window [title="Bitwarden"] sticky enable border none for_window [title="Bitwarden"] sticky enable border none
exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=/app/bin/bitwarden com.bitwarden.desktop --no-sandbox exec --no-startup-id bitwarden
bindsym $mod+o [class="Bitwarden"] scratchpad show bindsym $mod+o [class="Bitwarden"] scratchpad show
bindsym $mod+Mod1+o [class="Bitwarden"] move position 0px 0px; resize set 960 500 bindsym $mod+Mod1+o [class="Bitwarden"] move position 0px 0px; resize set 960 500
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