Commit 97c7804a authored by Jay Ta'ala's avatar Jay Ta'ala
Browse files

Disabled border keys (was interfering with bash shortcuts. Removed

skippy bindsyms.  Changed rofi and application shortcut keys to Super.
parent 06a1e2a8
...@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ for_window [class=".*"] $border_no_name ...@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ for_window [class=".*"] $border_no_name
hide_edge_borders none hide_edge_borders none
# change borders # change borders
bindsym $mod+v border none #bindsym $mod_next+v border none
bindsym $mod+b $border_normal #bindsym $mod_next+b $border_normal
bindsym $mod+n $border_no_name #bindsym $mod_next+n $border_no_name
# Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font # Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
# is used in the bar {} block below. # is used in the bar {} block below.
...@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ exec_always --no-startup-id ff-theme-util ...@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ exec_always --no-startup-id ff-theme-util
exec_always --no-startup-id fix_xcursor exec_always --no-startup-id fix_xcursor
exec --no-startup-id fcitx -d exec --no-startup-id fcitx -d
exec --no-startup-id alttab -pk h -nk l -fg "#d58681" -bg "#4a4a4a" -frame "#eb564d" -t 128x150 -i 127x64 exec --no-startup-id alttab -pk h -nk l -fg "#d58681" -bg "#4a4a4a" -frame "#eb564d" -t 128x150 -i 127x64
exec_always --no-startup-id "pkill skippy-xd; skippy-xd --start-daemon"
# kill focused window # kill focused window
bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
...@@ -72,8 +71,8 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill ...@@ -72,8 +71,8 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
# start program launcher # start program launcher
#bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id dmenu_recency #bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id dmenu_recency
#exec --no-startup-id kupfer #exec --no-startup-id kupfer
bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id "rofi -show-icons -modi windowcd,window,drun -show drun" bindsym $mod_next+d exec --no-startup-id "rofi -show-icons -modi windowcd,window,drun -show drun"
bindsym $mod+Tab exec --no-startup-id "rofi -show-icons -modi windowcd,window,drun -show window" bindsym $mod_next+Tab exec --no-startup-id "rofi -show-icons -modi windowcd,window,drun -show window"
# launch categorized menu # launch categorized menu
#bindsym $mod+c exec --no-startup-id morc_menu #bindsym $mod+c exec --no-startup-id morc_menu
...@@ -331,7 +330,6 @@ bindsym Print exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot ...@@ -331,7 +330,6 @@ bindsym Print exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot
bindsym $mod+Print --release exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot -w bindsym $mod+Print --release exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot -w
bindsym $mod+Shift+Print --release exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot -s bindsym $mod+Shift+Print --release exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot -s
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+x --release exec --no-startup-id xkill bindsym $mod+Ctrl+x --release exec --no-startup-id xkill
bindsym $mod_next+grave exec --no-startup-id skippy-xd --activate-window-picker
# shortcuts to often used applications # shortcuts to often used applications
bindsym $mod_next+u exec pamac-manager bindsym $mod_next+u exec pamac-manager
...@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ rofi.theme: ~/.jt-config-repo/rofi/themes/lb-numix.rasi ...@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ rofi.theme: ~/.jt-config-repo/rofi/themes/lb-numix.rasi
!keyboard binding changes: tab, shift+tab to switch modes !keyboard binding changes: tab, shift+tab to switch modes
rofi.kb-row-tab: rofi.kb-row-tab:
rofi.kb-row-up: Up,Control+p,Super+k rofi.kb-row-up: Up,Control+p,Super+k
rofi.kb-row-down: Down,Control+n,Alt+j rofi.kb-row-down: Down,Control+n,Super+j
rofi.kb-mode-next: Tab,Alt+l rofi.kb-mode-next: Tab,Super+l
rofi.kb-mode-previous: ISO_Left_Tab,Alt+h rofi.kb-mode-previous: ISO_Left_Tab,Super+h
rofi.kb-accept-entry: Return,Alt+Return rofi.kb-accept-entry: Return,Super+Return
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