Commit 4d91e843 authored by Jay Ta'ala's avatar Jay Ta'ala
Browse files

Disabled transparency forcing on windows that contained word "Panel" - just got annoying.

parent f68ec816
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ opacity-rule = [
"99:name *?= 'MuseScore'",
"90:name *?= 'Page Info'",
"99:name *?= 'Pale Moon'",
"90:name *?= 'Panel'",
#"90:name *?= 'Panel'",
"99:class_g = 'Pinta'",
"90:name *?= 'Restart'",
"99:name *?= 'sudo'",
......@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ ${color2}splith with next window - ${color}mod+x
${color2}splith with previous window - ${color}mod+Shift+x
${color2}focus windows - ${color}mod+[hjkl | arrow_keys]
${color2}focus containers - ${color}mod+Ctrl+[hjkl | arrow_keys]
${color2}focus containers - ${color}mod+Ctrl+[hjkl | arrows]
${color2}switch to workspace 1-8 - ${color}mod+1-8
${color2}send to workspace 1-8 - ${color}mod+Alt+1-8
${color2}navigate workspaces - ${color}mod+Ctrl+arrowkeys
${color2}navigate workspaces - ${color}mod+Ctrl+arrows
${color2}toggle floating - ${color}mod+Shift+Space
${color2}toggle sticky - ${color}mod+Shift+s
Supports Markdown
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