Commit 4c06ddb8 authored by Jay Ta'ala's avatar Jay Ta'ala
Browse files

Added gnome-calculator floating.

parent 86bad4af
...@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ for_window [class="copyq"] floating enable border pixel 1 ...@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ for_window [class="copyq"] floating enable border pixel 1
for_window [class="Shutter"] floating enable for_window [class="Shutter"] floating enable
for_window [title="Color Picker"] floating enable border none for_window [title="Color Picker"] floating enable border none
for_window [class="(?i)Kupfer"] border none for_window [class="(?i)Kupfer"] border none
for_window [class="(?i)Gnome-calculator"] floating enable
# setting up dropdown terminal # setting up dropdown terminal
for_window [title="dropdown-terminal"] sticky enable border none for_window [title="dropdown-terminal"] sticky enable border none
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