Commit 17b55e0f authored by Jay Ta'ala's avatar Jay Ta'ala
Browse files

Added my .tigrc config (for tig - the ncurses git client).

parent 749a949f
# Notes (see man tigrc for more info):
# ! Run the command in the foreground with output shown.
# @ Run the command in the background with no output.
# + Run the command synchronously, and echo the first line of output to the status bar.
# ? Prompt the user before executing the command.
# < Exit Tig after executing the command.
# > Re-open Tig instantly in the last displayed view after executing the command.
bind generic . @git stage .
bind generic ; ?git reset --hard
bind generic = !git commit
bind generic + ?git commit --amend
bind generic \ ?git push
bind generic | ?git push --force
bind generic , >git diff %(commit)..%(head)
bind generic ` !git checkout %(branch)
bind generic M ?git merge %(branch) --no-ff
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