Commit d8fcafb7 authored by Jay Ta'ala's avatar Jay Ta'ala
Browse files

Changed Alt-... mousebindings to use windows key. Added W-doubleclick with...

Changed Alt-... mousebindings to use windows key.  Added W-doubleclick with toggle maximise.  Added a few i3 "like" shortcuts.
parent 421bed59
......@@ -264,6 +264,9 @@
<keybind key="W-x">
<action name="ToggleShowDesktop"/>
<keybind key="W-1">
<action name="GoToDesktop">
......@@ -289,6 +292,9 @@
<command>rofi -modi window,drun,run -show drun</command>
<keybind key="S-W-q">
<action name="Close"/>
<keybind key="A-F4">
<action name="Close"/>
......@@ -302,6 +308,11 @@
<keybind key="W-Tab">
<action name="ShowMenu">
<keybind key="A-Tab">
<action name="NextWindow"/>
......@@ -340,30 +351,43 @@
<!-- Set this to TRUE to move the mouse pointer across the desktop when
switching due to hitting the edge of the screen -->
<context name="Frame">
<mousebind action="Press" button="A-Left">
<mousebind action="Press" button="S-W-Middle">
<action name="ShowMenu">
<mousebind action="Press" button="S-W-Right">
<action name="ShowMenu">
<mousebind action="Press" button="W-Left">
<action name="Focus"/>
<action name="Raise"/>
<mousebind action="Click" button="A-Left">
<mousebind action="Click" button="W-Left">
<action name="ToggleMaximize"/>
<mousebind action="Click" button="W-Left">
<action name="Unshade"/>
<mousebind action="Drag" button="A-Left">
<mousebind action="Drag" button="W-Left">
<action name="Move"/>
<mousebind action="Press" button="A-Right">
<mousebind action="Press" button="W-Right">
<action name="Focus"/>
<action name="Raise"/>
<action name="Unshade"/>
<mousebind action="Drag" button="A-Right">
<mousebind action="Drag" button="W-Right">
<action name="Resize"/>
<mousebind action="Press" button="A-Middle">
<mousebind action="Press" button="W-Middle">
<action name="Lower"/>
<action name="FocusToBottom"/>
<action name="Unfocus"/>
<mousebind action="Click" button="A-Up">
<!--<mousebind action="Click" button="A-Up">
<action name="GoToDesktop">
......@@ -372,7 +396,7 @@
<action name="GoToDesktop">
<mousebind action="Click" button="C-A-Up">
<action name="GoToDesktop">
......@@ -383,12 +407,12 @@
<mousebind action="Click" button="A-S-Up">
<mousebind action="Click" button="W-S-Up">
<action name="SendToDesktop">
<mousebind action="Click" button="A-S-Down">
<mousebind action="Click" button="W-S-Down">
<action name="SendToDesktop">
......@@ -637,6 +661,16 @@
<mousebind action="Press" button="W-S-Middle">
<action name="ShowMenu">
<mousebind action="Press" button="W-S-Right">
<action name="ShowMenu">
<context name="MoveResize">
<mousebind action="Click" button="Up">
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